Showing posts with label Root Canal Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Root Canal Therapy. Show all posts

Advantages of Painless Root Canal Treatment in Pitampura


Painless Root Canal Treatment Pitampura

At Pitampura, painless root canal treatment is available for you. If you are a resident of this area of Delhi, you have an advantage. With the help of such painless oral treatment, your dental health will transform. 

Modern anesthesia techniques

At Viva Dental, under the guidance of Dr. Vikas Agarwal, you will have the minimum discomfort in RCT. The specialist will provide you with the latest techniques and anesthesia. 

The dentist will use advanced techniques and anesthesia at the Pitampura dental clinic. Dr. Vikas Agarwal will make use of rotary endodontics and digital imaging. With such methods, the procedure becomes less invasive and fast also. 

Rescue of the natural teeth

Painless root canal treatment in Pitampura does not carry the purpose of tooth extraction. One of the main purposes of such a treatment is to preserve the natural teeth. 

After the treatment at Viva Dental, you will have restored chewing functionality. It will also hamper the dental issues that can become tooth loss shortly.

Time-saving and improved aesthetics

With the traditional RCT, you will have time for various dental clinic visits until the final restoration. But with the painless RCT and the advanced techniques, one visit to the dental clinic is enough for aesthetically pleasing results. 

Freedom from infection

One of the purposes of the painless root canal treatment in Pitampura is to provide freedom from infection. The endodontist will thoroughly clean the root canal by removing the bacteria and the infected tissue. 


At Clinic Viva, painless root canal treatment in Pitampura provides you with a new oral life and freedom from the discomfort and pain due to the infection in the pulp.

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